Thursday, May 7, 2015

More #gafe hacks! - locating files & adding events to multiple calendars

Google Apps are great by themselves. However, there are ways to integrate them that will send you soaring to the ceiling with enthusiasm. Try out these tricks to super-charge your Google Apps. Check out and Google Hacked for more tricks.


  1. Google Docs: Undo/Redo for easy formatting

2. Google Slides: Awesome Templates with Slides Carnival

3. Google Docs: Link to specific parts of a Google Document

4. Google Drive: Set Auto Expiration

This tip is from Amit Agarwal.
  1. Start by making a copy of this script into your Drive.
  2. Add the URL of your shared Google Drive folder or any Google Drive file in line #3 and put expiration date in line #7 (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM format).
  3. From File menu, choose Project Properties & select your Timezone from the dropdown.
  4. From Run menu, choose Start & authorize the auto-expiry script to run at the specified time.
  5. Watch tutorial video here.
5. Google Drive Apps: Create transparent tables

Transparent Tables.gif
6. Google Drive Apps: Match fonts for easy design

Font Pairing.gif
7. Gmail: Manage subscriptions

Use your email address + a key word to sign up for subscriptions. Example: or After subscribing, create an email filter for each address so messages coming to that address are routed to corresponding labels in your inbox. See here for more details.

8. Gmail: Create Calendar event from Gmail

create event.gif
9. Locate a File in Google Drive

locate in drive.gif
10. Add events to multiple calendars

Check out this YouTube Video for more information on how to quickly add events to multiple calendars. Kudos to Sharon at

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