Thursday, February 12, 2015

What is connected learning and WIIFM? #YourEduStory

So...I had to look up the meaning of "wiifm." Did you?

The best learning is connected. Learning on your own does not yield the same as what learning with your network does. I am as useful as my network. I know that I will never know every gadget, every new strategy, or every new idea. However, I lean on my  network to shine in the areas where I am not an expert.

Connected learning is one part learning from your network and the other part building your network. I've grown in my own learning as a result of my network. I can now help my teachers in a matter of minutes by simply "phoning a friend" or, in my terms - Google chatting, Hanging out, or "Slack"ing. My results are almost instantaneous and go beyond my own knowledge.

However, I am not of the belief that we need to define teachers' success by whether or not they are on Twitter, or have a large virtual learning network. Connected learning also includes face-to-face networks as well as implementation. I am exposed to some great teachers on a daily basis who help their students and fellow teachers grow, but they are not as connected in the 21st century meaning of the word. WE need to highlight these teachers. WE need to share their stories. WE need to learn from them.

So, my challenge each day is not falling into the "Twitter view" of teaching, but staying connected to everyday educators and everyday problems. That is being connected. It's a blend. It's moderation.

What's being connected mean to you?

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