Monday, January 13, 2014

PD Challenges: Leave with a product

A co-worker of mine, Brandie Cain-Heard, originally shared Tony Vincent's post, App Task Challenge with me and the ideas have been non-stop ever since.

Craig Badura, a PK-12 Integration Specialist in Aurora, Nebraska, started the App Task Challenges to provide training and provide teachers the opportunity to produce products from Apps.

I am anxious to start a similar program at my district, providing a series of PD cards for educators with challenges. I'm a proponent of PD that culminates in tangible products and results. For instance, rather than just giving a training on how to use Google Docs, delivering a training that calls upon attendees to use Google Docs to solve a real #eduproblem they have. In doing so, learning is authentic and deliberate.

In making an App Task Challenge of sorts for my district, I would like to see tasks that cross paths and lead to a larger challenge. I would also like to see challenges that increase in aptitude to encourage learners to connect and spread out.

Stay tuned for more information on how we convert app task challenges to a PD program set to encourage advancement and authentic & deliberate learnin.

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